Refuse and Recycling

Where do I put my rubbish and recycling?

If you live in a flat you will probably have a bin store attached to, or close to, your building. If you need help identifying your bin store, please contact us.

Bin Store Etiquette

When using a bin store please use the correct bin for refuse and empty your recycling into the correct bin for each type of recycling. Do not cross-contaminate. If you do, the refuse collectors may not empty the bins.

Please do not leave rubbish or recycling on the floor of the bin store. Doing so may attract vermin, may prevent refuse collectors from emptying the bins and is unsightly and unpleasant for other residents.

Disposing of furniture or large items of rubbish

If you have bulk rubbish, old furniture, mattresses, white goods, please do not dump them in bin stores or in any communal area. The regular refuse collectors will not take it.

Please arrange for a private collection either by the local authority or a private company. Alternatively, take your bulky items or recycling to the local authority’s Refuse and Recycling Site. You can find your nearest Recycling Centre by visiting or your local authority’s website.

Please note, any dumped items may be removed by us and the cost charged to the flat concerned, if identifiable, or to the general service charge account which is unfair on your neighbours.

You can report any dumped rubbish or bin store issues by clicking here.