Management Handover Process


If we are fortunate enough to be appointed as your new Managing Agent the process to switch from the existing agent is very straightforward and we will handle it all for you:


  • You will need to give notice to your existing Managing Agent. The length of notice you have to give will be defined in your Management Agreement. In the majority of cases the notice is three months. We can advise you if it is not clear to you how much notice you need to give.

  • Ordinarily our Management Agreement will commence on the date your current agreement terminates. This is known as the Handover Date. Nevertheless, we will be working hard before then to make arrangements for the transition.

  • We contact the existing agent and request all the documentation we need to take on the management, including copies of existing contracts, resident contact details and complete accounting records. Most managing agents will cooperate with us in this process and indeed are obliged to do so if they are members of ARMA and/or subscribe to the RICS Residential Management Code. Unfortunately there are a small number of managing agents who try and obstruct the process and make it difficult for us. In the event of this occurring we will, of course, keep you fully informed.

  • We are happy to attend a meeting of residents prior to the Handover Date to introduce ourselves and give residents the opportunity to meet the Property Manager responsible for the building or development and other members of the team. Such a meeting also gives us the opportunity to explain to residents the services we can offer and how we intend resolving any difficulties that we happen to be inheriting.

  • On the Handover Date we would receive the service charge and reserve funds, keys and entry fobs where applicable and all remaining accounting information. We then write to all owners formally introducing ourselves and giving initial log-in details for our website portal.  


To find out more information and to see how we can help you call 0207 8466 443 or email or complete the Management Enquiry Form.

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